"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will fall off like autumn leaves." -John Muir
Just a little inspiration as I prepare for a few days of hiking in the desert next week during Spring Break. It is really amazing to think of John Muir, 100 years ago, trekking over 10,000 foot passes with some biscuits and his wool coat. I am sure he also like to tell a tale or two to keep his readers in suspense (like the story of surviving a blizzard by hiding out in a hot spring...). It does put into perspective the idea of what one really need to survive comfortably in the wild. With that in mind, tomorrow I will dust off all of my old gear and pack for three days of backpacking at Mt. San Jacinto. There is still plenty of snow at the top of the mountain (13-15 feet of snow at the apex of approx 10, 000 ft)but the ranger I talked to yesterday seemed to think that we should find reasonable hiking and camping at a lower elevation. It may be three day of post-holing in the snow (or more like one day!) but it will be great to get out there and have 'get the good tidings of the mountains...'
For those who are interested in the up and coming hikes (2 days/one night) in Sonoma and Pt Reyes, would you please drop me a line, comment or email to let me know if you are going on both or just one of the weekends. The dates are on the schedule page of the Trek for a Cure website and also on the blog archives. That would be great!
Keep it Green and Muddy!!