Spring 2010 - I was reading the MPD Foundation newsletter and there was an article about a women with PV who was going to do a fundraiser and hike the John Muir trail in California. The fact that I also have PV and love hiking made this jump out at me. I knew instantly that if there was any way possible, I wanted to join Annette on the hike so I emailed her and asked. Her response was that she was looking for people to join in on the different segments, so yes, I would be welcome. That was it, I was going. It did not matter that it had been a very hard year, that I was so fatigued, I was in bed before my kids and that my bones and joints were hurting so much, that I had taken time off from coaching gymnastics and was trying to get on a new med for my PV that would possibly help. I had no idea how I was going to do it, just that I was.I did some Trek for a Cure fundraising up here, bought and borrowed the supplies I would need and thought about the fact that I would have to get into some semblance of shape if I was really going to do this, but I did not have the energy to.
May 2010 - I went off of the Chemo meds that I had been on in preparation for going on Pegasy's. Two weeks after being off, I began to notice that I had much more energy and wasn't going to bed at 7:00. I began to walk and bike and get excited that maybe, just maybe I really could do this hike. June, I started the Pegasy's and by the time it came time to head on the hike, I had much more energy and much less pain.
July 20, 2010 I flew with my two youngest kids to BC to leave them at their grandma's and then flew to San Francisco. From there, I caught the BART to Annette's mom and thus began the start of meeting many amazing wonderful people. Her mom and family were so welcoming and made me feel right at home, from there I had a ride with Ashlyn, another great person, to Sacramento. I stayed overnight with Andrew, Ronit and their kids. They too were welcoming and made me feel very comfortable. The next day, I climbed in Dianne's car (she trusted a stranger to drive it) and picked up Kara near Auburn. I knew immediately that with Kara on the segment, it was going to be a fun hike.Devil's Postpile and meeting Annette was the highlight, it was really happening.
Kara's post is so well written about our actual hike that I do not want to repeat it. I am just going to share my highlights. 1) The absolute beauty of everything was probably one of the most memorable highlights. Every time I took a picture of what I thought was the most beautiful thing I had seen,, 5 minutes later, I would be taking another picture and another. It never stopped.
2)Being in the company of two amazing women was another. I have been blessed by the people I met on this trip and especially Annette and Kara. 3) The last thing was just the actual doing of the hike and making it, standing on Silver Pass and knowing that we were there because we climbed it. Being reminded that this disease is not the end of the story.
I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to have been able to be a part of such a special event. Thank you Annette. Congratulations on completing the hike. I wish I could have been there to see the end.
Audrey Hicks Boissevain, MB Canada
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