Ok- so maybe not a whole lot of sunshine but it is coming. We will have perfectly amazing weather for our practice hike this weekend in Pt Reyes National Seashore. We have approximately 10 hikers for the weekend. It will be a bit different than our Napa trip- while the views and company will be as wonderful, we won't be hanging out at the neighbor's drinking wine out of crystal on Saturday night, but then again I cannot be sure.
Let's plan to meet at 5 Brooks parking lot around 10 am and that way those of us coming from the Valley and the south South Bay can have a reasonable Saturday morning departure. We will not need bear canisters- although, I am sure there is a bear around those hills. I have seen bears in most surprising places (well, I was surprised). I recommend printing the map I sent to you on the email last week- if you did not get the map attachment, let me know and I will send it again. It is always a must to have your map while backpacking and since this is a shake out hike... Also, if anyone would like to try a different piece of gear or is missing something just post a request or desire and we'll make it so.
Now, for the fundraising portion of the blog!
We are having a Festival on June 5th! We are asking all of the hikers to sell 10 tickets each- so think of your friends, family and neighbors and remind them that you will have your tickets to sell them on Monday!
We can talk about more fundraising opportunities this weekend, too.
Keep it Green and Muddy!
Your friend Ronit let us know about this event. We'll be sharing it with East Sacramento Mom readers on June 1st. We hope there is a great turn out for the festival!